Hello. I’m Keith Miller, N9DGK and I am Section Manager for the great State of Tennessee.  I am running for re-election for this position this year, and I am asking for your support. 

I live in Rutherford County in Middle Tennessee near Murfreesboro. Like so many of us, I became interested in Amateur Radio as a child. I was licensed as a Novice in 1981 as KA9KSV in Indiana, which is where my dad’s family is from. My mother was born and raised here in Middle Tennessee and all her family is here.

Two years after I was licensed (1983), I moved here and became involved with the Stones River Amateur Radio Club, first working Field Day, parades, and other special events. As my experience, interests became broader, my attentions ultimately turned to the emergency service side of the hobby. 

As an Emergency Coordinator I worked diligently to help forge strong working relationships with served agencies at the county and state levels. 

My emergency communications pursuits have also included FEMA Courses ICS 100, 200, 700, 800, 300, 400 as well as the Department of Homeland Security’s Communications Unit Leader (ComL) training which has been expanded to include all hazards. I have also taught the ICS 300 and 400 curriculum for 4 years.

I still enjoy contesting and QSO parties. I enjoy working DX when I have the time. I also enjoy writing. As an author, I contributed an article to QST on the use of the ICS-213 Form by radio amateurs which appeared in the May 2009 issue. I plan to submit another article in the future (stay tuned)…

I have been an ordained minister and pastor for 45 years and still continue my ministry in addition to my amateur radio “work”.

It is my belief that, even though there is a more serious side to our hobby, we should strive to make it more fun, more valuable, more visible, and help the public understand that though we began so long ago, we are on the vanguard of innovation in the 21st century and will continue to be there. 

Some of the experiences and accomplishments I’m most proud of are:

+ 3 years as president of the Stones River Amateur Radio Club

+ 2 years as vice president of the Stones River Amateur Radio Club

+ 3 years as Field Day Chairman Rutherford County

+ Instructor at a number of licensing classes for new amateurs.

+ Helped rejuvenate the Stones River ARC VE Team that now holds bi-monthly testing sessions throughout the year.

+ 6 years as Emergency Coordinator (EC) Rutherford County ARES 

+ Briefly served as DEC and ASEC Middle Tennessee ARES.

+ 6years as ARRL Tennessee Section Manager

My goals as section manager have been to:

+ Encourage more school clubs to introduce the hobby to our younger generation.

+ Encourage our VE teams to advise new licensees on local clubs, Elmers (Mentors) and the benefits of membership in the ARRL.

+ Discuss with civic and government groups the value of Amateur Radio in education and emergency communication.

+ Work to re-engage with former ARRL members.

Over the past two years we have accomplished the following:

+ Completed and launched two redesigned web pages for Tennessee ARRL www.tnarrl.org and Tennessee ARES www.tnares.com. We are continually working to update the population information to keep them current.

+ Developed and deployed automated forms for ARES membership and appointments.

+ Developed and deployed automated forms for reporting of ARES activities including monthly Emergency Coordinator summary reports.

+ Developed and deployed automated forms for monthly Section Emergency Coordinator reports to ARRL.

+ Developed and deployed an ARES Standardized Position Task Book to help promote common training goals across the Section.

+ Developed and deployed a position statement describing the relation of ARES and Auxiliary Communications for Served agencies.

+ Reviewing and updating the Tennessee ARES State Emergency Plan with an expected release of 30 November 2017.

Though we have made strides in advancing membership, growing clubs and promoting our hobby to the public, there many things left to do. I would like to have the opportunity to do that.

I am simply passionate about our hobby and its long term future promotion in Tennessee. I ask for your continued diligence and support in pursuit of that challenge. 

I Thank You All

N9DGK - Keith